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Read Line by Line as Data Stream

Deno provides multiple APIs to read files. You can read the entire file using Deno.readAll and Deno.readTextFile. However, reading line by line is still not available in std library. Here in this tutorial, I will explain, How you can read the entire file line by line(Stream).

Before going to actual code, Let's understand the standard library first with examples.

Read Id[rid]

Deno provides API to open a file. This is the async API. Meaning, you need to await. In return you will get File which contains rid.

Sample: open file

// examples/06_readfile_chunk.ts
async function main(name?: string) {
if (name) {
const file = await;
const [fileName] = Deno.args;


$ deno  run --allow-read  examples/06_readfile_chunk.ts examples/tom.json

## Output:
# File { rid: 3 }

You can see rid in return. Let's use this rid to get the chunk of data. Reading chunk requires API

Example: 1

// examples/06_readfile_chunk.ts
async function main(name?: string) {
if (name) {
const file = await;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
let buf = new Uint8Array(100);
const numOfByteRead = await, buf);
const [fileName] = Deno.args;


$ deno  run --allow-read  examples/06_readfile_chunk.ts examples/tom.json

# Output
# 100
# {
# "id": 1,
# "version": "1.0.1",
# "contributors": [
# "deepak",
# "gary"
# ],
# "actor": {

Here, as you can see, Every time you call it returns the number of bytes that have been read. If numOfByteRead is null meaning it is end of file[EOF].

new Uint8Array(100); is Uint8Array to be filled while calling read. The buffer size could be anything. The reader will read bytes until buffer size.

If you notice, the read file is not a complete file. You need to increase the buff size to read all files.

Example: 2

// examples/06_readfile_chunk.ts
async function main(name?: string) {
if (name) {
const file = await;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
let buf = new Uint8Array(1000); // 353
const numOfByteRead = await, buf);
const [fileName] = Deno.args;


$ deno  run --allow-read  examples/06_readfile_chunk.ts examples/tom.json

# Output
# 353
## JSON here..

Here in this example, I have increased buffer size to 1000, which is more than 353. So I can read the entire JSON file.

[NOTE]: You should avoid large buffer sizes. Reading a big file can create memory issues. and at the same time it will be hard to predict actual size.

To read the entire file chunk by chunk, we can use recursion on thenable API.

Example: 3

// examples/06_readfile_chunk.ts
async function main(name?: string) {
if (name) {
const file = await;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
let buf = new Uint8Array(100);
let chunk = new Uint8Array(0);, buf).then(function readByte(numOfByteRead) {
if (numOfByteRead) {
chunk = _append(chunk, buf, numOfByteRead);, buf).then(readByte);
} else {
const [fileName] = Deno.args;


$ deno  run --allow-read  examples/06_readfile_chunk.ts examples/tom.json

# Output
"id": 1,
"version": "1.0.1",
"contributors": [
"actor": {
"name": "Tom Cruise",
"age": 56,
"Born At": "Syracuse, NY",
"Birthdate": "July 3 1962",
"movies": [
"Top Gun",
"Mission: Impossible",
"photo": ""


Here in this code, when I call, buf).then. It will trigger a named function function readByte(numOfByteRead). This will internally check for numOfByteRead each time. You can either append text return after decode by decoder.decode. I am appending as Uint8Array. To appened Uint8Array arrays, I found a good sample on StackOverflow.


function _append(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array, numOfByteRead: number) {
var c = new Uint8Array(a.length + numOfByteRead);
c.set(a, 0);
c.set(b.slice(0, numOfByteRead), a.length);
return c;

[NOTE]: If you don't pass numOfByteRead, you may garbage value read for last time.

Nice 🙂, all looks fine. However, still we are away from reading line by line. For that we will use an async iterator.

Basic sample for Async Iterator

let range = {
from: 1,
to: 5,
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
current: this.from,
async next() {
const value = await new Promise<number>((resolve) =>
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
if (value <= this.last) {
return { done: false, value };
} else {
return { done: true };
(async () => {
for await (let value of range) {
console.log(value); // 1,2,3,4,5

Just like Symbol.iterator, we can use Symbol.asyncIterator to create an async Iterator. Since typescript supports async iterator out of the box. We can use this API. To understand more, you can read async-iterators-generators.

To read line by line, I have created two utility methods _readTillDone and readLine.

const _readTillDone = async (
rid: number,
text: string = ""
): Promise<[string, string, boolean]> => {
let buf = new Uint8Array(100);
let indexOfLine = text.indexOf("\n");
if (indexOfLine === -1) {
const num = await, buf);
if (num) {
text = text + decoder.decode(buf.slice(0, num));
return _readTillDone(rid, text);
} else {
return [text, "", true];
} else {
return [text.slice(0, indexOfLine), text.slice(indexOfLine + 1), false];

const readLine = async (fileName: string) => {
const file = await;
let text = "";
let done = false;
return {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
async next() {
const [t, rest, d] = await _readTillDone(file?.rid, text);
if (done) {
return { done: true, value: t };
} else {
text = rest;
done = d;
return { done: false, value: t };


readLine is very simple. On each async iterator call it will call _readTillDone and return the line. However, _readTillDone is a little complex. I am using file.rid to keep track of the file read.

Whenever i call _readTillDone with file?.rid, text. It tries to split text with newLine. I could not be able to find newLine. It tries to read more lines till the end. _readTillDone returns three parameters [t, rest, d]. Here t, text read by line,rest is as buffer text and d return as done.

Let's complete the tutorial. Once we have these utils, the implementation is very simple.

Example: Final code

// examples/06_readfile_chunk.ts
import { readLine } from "";

async function main(name?: string) {
if (name) {
// Example 6
const reader = await readLine(name);
for await (let value of reader) {
const [fileName] = Deno.args;


$ deno  run --allow-read  examples/06_readfile_chunk.ts examples/tom.json

# Output
"id": 1,
"version": "1.0.1",
"contributors": [
"actor": {
"name": "Tom Cruise",
"age": 56,
"Born At": "Syracuse, NY",
"Birthdate": "July 3 1962",
"movies": [
"Top Gun",
"Mission: Impossible",
"photo": ""

TaDa! 👏👏 Now you can read the entire file line by line.

I hope you like this tutorial. let me know your feedback in the comment. Please support(🙏🙏) by subscribing and clapping on

All working examples can be found in my Github:


Recently, i got to know. That Deno does has readlines method to read reader line by line. It just documentation was missing. So i added document in Deno project. You can read it now here.


import { readLines } from "";
import * as path from "";

const filename = path.join(Deno.cwd(), "std/io/");
let fileReader = await;

for await (let line of readLines(fileReader)) {