

TS JS Deno

Converts a string to humanize string url

The \w metacharacter is used to find a word character. Replace all non character with -. Note: A word character is a character from a-z, A-Z, 0-9, including the _ (underscore) character.

const humanizeUrl = (
str: string,
preserveUndersore = false,
preserveCase = false
) => {
const re = preserveUndersore ? /[\W]+/g : /[\W_]+/g;
return preserveCase
? str.replace(re, "-")
: str.replace(re, "-").toLowerCase();
humanizeUrl("Some label URL"); // "some-label-url"
humanizeUrl("Some 1label 2URL"); // "some-1label-2url"
humanizeUrl("Some 1_label 2_URL"); // "some-1-label-2-url"
humanizeUrl("Some$1_label$ $2URL"); // "some-1-label-2url"
humanizeUrl("Some 1_label 2_URL", true); // "some-1_label-2_url"
humanizeUrl("Some$1_label$ $2URL", false, true); // "Some-1-label-2URL"

const word = "IAmListening To FMWhileLoading";
const humanizeUrlWordBreak = (str: string) =>
humanizeUrl(toSnakeCase(str) || "");
humanizeUrlWordBreak(word); //"i-am-listening-to-fm-while-loading");